Acid Trip
Forever More
Your Blue Eyes
Vampire Kandy
Fate Has A Plan
Psychotic Dreams
The Hunger Remains
Love Is A Sacred Thing
Remembrance Of Brutality
You're The Only One Who Has My Heart
The basics are all listed here, but if you want to know any more then you'll have to check out my profile~!
» asian everything; writing; eating; drinking; sleeping; yaoi; english; dongbang; kim jaejoong; yunjae; reading; purple; smoking; teaching; taco bell; strawberries; web-design; anything sugary
» politics; work; idiots; school; hypocrites; shit-talkers; bi/rain; pop-tart girls; cough syrup; wasabi; poseurs; liars; haters; math; science; reality tv; weight loss commericals; anti-smoking commercials
Coming later.